Eliminate noisy treads from above.
Carpeted stairs that squeak can be repaired from above in several easy steps—without destroying the ceiling below the steps.
Squeaky stairs are easy to fix from underneath—provided they’re exposed. A simple fix is to tap shims into voids between the treads and the stringers and add some glue. Then, you just screw the stringer to each stud. But most stairs are finished on the underside with drywall or plaster, in which case squeaks in these stairs need to be fixed from the top. That’s why the perfect time to fix them is when you’re replacing the carpeting—you can remove the treads and get at the squeaky culprits. (If you’re not replacing the carpet, but you have a squeak that’s driving you nuts, see below for how to fix tread squeaks right through the carpeting.)
Here are four easy steps to permanently fix the treads that squeak and keep the rest from ever starting.
Note: Your stairs will be out of commission for a couple of hours, so let everyone in the house know about the repair. Ensure you cordon off the top to keep someone from tumbling down the steps while you’re working!
Tools Required
- Cordless drill
- Hammer
- Knee pads
- Pry bar
Materials Required
- 2-1/2-in. screws
- 2-in. screws
- 4-1/2-in. screws
- Subfloor adhesive
Project step-by-step (5)
Remove old treads and hardware
Pry off each tread with a flat bar. Remove the nails and clean off any carpet pad or staples. Screw the outside stringers to each stud with 4-1/2-in. screws.
Apply the glue
Apply a bead of subfloor adhesive along the top of the riser, the stringers and the back of the tread. Press the tread back into place.
Screw down tread
Drive three 2-1/2-in. screws through the top of the tread into each stringer.
Screw through riser
Drive a 2-in. screw through the riser into the back of the tread. Repeat these steps with each tread, working your way to the top of the stairs.
Fix Squeaks Through Carpet
If you have carpeted stairs and a squeaky step that’s driving you crazy, you can still fix it without removing the carpet. Look online for special squeaky floor repair kits that tighten treads without damaging the finished floor. The kit shown here is designed to send a snap-off screw right through the carpet without damaging the fibers.
Find the squeak by bouncing up and down on each step, then drive the specially scored screw through the middle of the depth control jig, down through the carpeted tread, and into the stringer or riser nearest the squeak. The jig stops the screw head right below the tread’s surface. Use the screw gripper located on one side of the jig to rock the screw back and forth until the excess length snaps off.