Chainsaws are great tools for many different wood cutting projects. Felling trees, trimming branches and cutting posts and rails for fences are just a few things for which I regularly use my chainsaw. Part of responsible chainsaw ownership involves caring for and maintaining your saw, and much of this comes down to oil.
To run properly, all chainsaws need two types of oil for different jobs. The first is engine oil. The chainsaw shown here has a two-stroke engine, so it needs two-stroke engine oil mixed with the fuel to help cool and lubricate the moving parts inside the motor.
The second type of oil, called bar and chain oil, is for lubricating the chain as it cuts. Choosing the correct oils for these two jobs and adding them to the tool correctly is crucial to the performance and longevity of your chainsaw.
Materials Required
- 2-stroke motor oil for air-cooled engines
- Medium grade bar and chain oil
- Premium gasoline