This is the best way to connect these two types of pipes
Connect PVC and ABS plastic pipe with special transition fittings, correctly sized to the pipe size. They make a sound joint and meet plumbing codes.
The Best Way to Joint PVC and ABS Plastic Pipe
If you’re plumbing in a new drain or vent and have to join two different kinds of plastic pipe, black ABS and white PVC, don’t assume that you can simply glue them together. Most plumbing codes don’t allow ABS pipe to be solvent-welded (glued) to PVC. Check with your local plumbing inspector.
Tools Required
- Socket wrench
Materials Required
- Transition coupling
Project step-by-step (2)
Connecting PVC and ABS
When inserting a pipe between two fixed ends, cut the new piece to leave an 1/8-in. gap at both joints. Loosen and slide the metal jacket and clamps off the rubber sleeves and slide the jackets onto the fixed pipes. Push one end of the rubber sleeve onto the fixed pipe and then roll back the other end (Photo 1) to make room for the new piece of pipe. Hold the new piece of pipe between the two fixed pipe ends and unroll the rubber sleeves over the ends of the new pipe. Next, slide the metal jackets over the rubber sleeves and tighten the clamps. Snug them up with a socket wrench.
Transition Coupling Close-Up
A transition coupling consists of a rubber sleeve and steel jacket. The proper way to use a transition coupling consists of a neoprene rubber sleeve that fits over each pipe. It’s then held tight with a stainless steel metal jacket and integral clamps. The coupling will be labeled as to which type of pipe (plastic ABS and PVC, steel, cast iron, copper) each end can be fastened to. Look for a plastic-to-plastic designation on the coupling.
What can’t you do with PVC pipe? Here are 56 incredibly smart (and cheap!) ways to use this do-it-all material around your home and workshop.