Maybe you don't bother to keep your grill clean because you like the taste of old gristle on your BBQed steak, but if so, you're in the minority. Most people would agree with expert grill master Leroy Hite: "Dirt, ash and charred debris not only affect your grill's aesthetics, they can affect the flavor of your food."
In other words, the less gristle, the better — and that means you need a clean grill.
Cleaning your grill isn't a job you should only do once or twice during the season. "The biggest mistake people make when cleaning grills is inconsistency," says David "Chef Fig" Figueroa. "You've got to clean those grates after each cook and even give them a quick touch-up before grilling."
Besides chefs like Hite and Figuero, we checked in with a pair of cleaning experts to get grill cleaning tips that everyone can use to make their cookouts that much more tasty and enjoyable. Most agreed on the basics, but chef and social media personality Gary Marandola offered a tip that can make the whole process easier and faster.
Materials Required
- Degreaser
- Dish soap
- Disposable shop towels