
A full day






This compact rack is strong and simple to build. You can store shovels, rakes, a sledgehammer and any long-handled tools in one convenient place.

Compact shovel rack

If you have more tools than a handful of 16-penny nails pounded into a 2×4 will accommodate, this shovel rack is for you. (Save space and money with these affordable DIY garage storage projects.)

It looks simple, and it is. Yet this is a serious storage rack that will put its store-bought counterparts to shame. It will hold more than a dozen items — from shovels and rakes to sledgehammers and pick-axes — with room to spare.

It’s constructed from a 16- by 48-in. chunk of 3/4-in. plywood with 2×6 supports and lag-screwed to the wall. Take an early morning break from your yard chores and put the rack together in a couple of hours.

After cutting your pieces to size as indicated on the materials list, lay them out and cut the slots for the handles. We’ve made some suggestions about spacing, but feel free to customize it to fit your tools.

Pro tip: Make your slot wide enough to fit the “flare” where a handle meets a blade. The flare is usually wider than the handle itself.

Caution: If you have young kids or toddlers, attach an eye screw and hook to secure each slot so the tools won’t accidentally fall out (Fig. A).

Shovel rack details

This illustration shows all of the parts of the shovel rack.

Garage Storage Project Shovel Rack Rake Shovel RackFamily Handyman

Tools Required

  • Circular saw
  • Drill/driver - cordless
  • Jigsaw

Materials Required

  • 1 lb. of 2-in. drywall screws
  • 1 lb. of 3-in. drywall screws
  • Five 12-in. 2x6s
  • Four eye hooks
  • One 16 x 48 in. piece of 3/4-in. plywood
  • One 48-in. 2x6
  • Six 3/8-in. washers
  • Six 3/8-in. x 4-1/2 in. lag screws

Project step-by-step (3)

Step 1

Lay out and cut tool slots

Use a circular saw to make the straight cuts, then a jigsaw to finish out the inside curve. We used the bottom of a spray paint can to mark the curve on the inside of the slot.

A Man Cutting Wooden Board with JigsawFamily Handyman

Step 2

Assemble the rack

Tack the 2×6 ledge board to the plywood with 2-in. drywall screws. Fasten the 2×6 supports to the 2×6 ledger board with 3-in. drywall screws. Then flip the rack over and anchor the plywood to the 2x6s with 2-in. screws spaced every eight inches.

A Man Fastens Screws into Rack with DrillFamily Handyman

Step 3

Install the rack

Level the back against a wall and attach it to the studs with 3/8- by 4-1/2-in. lag screws and washers. Pre-drill holes with a 5/16-in. bit. Don’t skimp on the lag screws. You need their holding power to support the weight of the rack and the tools.

The rack is now ready for use. Organize your space by loading off-season items at the back and frequently used ones in the front. Unless you own a small farm, you should have some spare room to store new items as the need arises.

A Man Installing Shovel Rack Against Wooden WallFamily Handyman