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    Why High-Performance Furnace Filters May Ruin the Blower

    Adapt your ductwork design to ensure adequate system airflow for homeowners who intend to use their blower filter as a...

    27 Inspiring DIY Tiny Homes Built With Recycled Materials

    The DIY tiny house movement is all about reducing consumption. Check out some tiny homes that took it a step...

    How Contractors Can Work With Property Managers to Gain Business

    Property managers who need to solve home issues for hundreds of tenants can provide contractors with an endless stream of...

    Best Practices for Communicating With Customers

    Construction projects change rapidly. Effective communication with your customer can make or break your relationship and affect your business.

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    How to Install a Ductless Mini Split Air Conditioner

    Installing cooling is surprisingly easy with a mini-split system. Here, we'll show you how to do it yourself.

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    12 Useful Home Depot Shopping Tips

    The Home Depot offers a wealth of materials, resources and a customer-friendly return policy. But there are a few secrets...

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    A Home for Pros

    We're proud to introduce Handyman Pro, the latest member to join our growing Family Handyman family! In this space, we...

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    8 Carpentry Tips and Advice From Actual Professionals

    We asked carpentry pros who have spent years sawing through 2x4's and pounding nails to pass along some of the...

    How to Become a House Painter

    People who learn how to become a house painter share a common endpoint: entrance into a rewarding, high-demand career.

    20 Bad Spring Yard Work Habits You Need to Stop Doing

    It's been a long winter and you're ready to start some yard work. But before you grab that rake or...

    How to Become a Carpenter

    Carpenters are in demand. If you're interested in a career in the trades, here's what you need to know about...

    How to Become a Plumber

    Learn how to become a plumber through a local apprenticeship or trade school program.

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    Why You Should Be Careful When Selecting 4×4 Lumber

    If you need 4x4s or other large posts, inspect them first.

    Tips and Tools for Achieving Better Painting Results

    Seasoned professional painters have learned from experience what paint works best in any situation, what equipment is durable and yields...

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    A How To Guide for Tiling Mosaic Floor

    A handy guide to laying and setting mosaic tile from one of our most trusted tile experts. Plus, a quick...

    How To Pour a Perfect Concrete Apron

    We followed a concrete crew for the day in order to find out the process behind their black concrete aprons....

    12 Scaffolding Safety Tips and Hints

    We picked the brain of a scaffolding expert, and he gave us these great tips on how to work smart...

    14 House Wrap Installation Tips You Need to Know

    House wrap isn't fun to install, but with the goal of energy efficiency, it's here to stay. There have been...

    15 Best Construction Worker Gifts for 2024

    Here are 15 construction worker gifts that balance the comfort, power and durability pros need.

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    How to Build a Retaining Wall That Will Last a Lifetime

    Retaining wall blocks are really heavy. You don't want to lift them twice. Learn how to build a rock solid...

    Say Goodbye to the McMansion and Hello to the McModern

    You thought the McMansion was bad enough

    13 ‘Cutting Edge’ Table Saw Tips

    Straight from top pro woodworkers—ultra-clever tips for getting the most from your table saw.

    The Top 6 Most Popular Architectural Home Styles in the U.S.

    Check the listings on online residential real estate sites, and you'll find six major house architecture styles reign supreme.

    An Inside Look Into a Truss Factory

    We visited a truss plant and asked about the most common mistakes framers make when installing with trusses.

    The Ins and Outs of Working with Liquid Flashing

    Liquid flashing has been showing up on more jobsites around the nation. That’s because it works. Liquid flashing costs more...

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    Tidy Tips From a Picky Painter

    You can tell a good paint job because the new wall paint is only on the wall. We asked a...

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    A Roofing Pro’s Guide to Synthetic Underlayment

    Synthetic underlayment is taking over the roofing industry, which comes as no surprise given all the benefits. Find out why...

    11 Kitchen Cabinet Installation Tips From a Professional

    Even the most experienced cabinet installers might learn a thing or two from this list of kitchen cabinet installation tips...

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    29 Simple Ways to Make Your Workbench Work Harder

    These ingenious workbench upgrades will make a huge difference in your workshop efficiency. And they’re easy to DIY!