What Tiny Homes Are Like Around the World

Updated on Apr. 21, 2024

A tiny home is an awesome way to see the world at a reasonable rate.

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Into the Sticks

Over in the UK, Andy Gill and Kate Fox have a tiny home tucked away where they’ve watched otters, badgers, kingfishers and foxes. Inside the cozy home wine crates serve as kitchen shelves and much of the building material came from recycled and reclaimed sources.

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View Pictures/REX/Shutterstock

Glass House, Freetown Christiania, Denmark

Christiania, Denmark is an interesting place to begin with so a glass house isn’t out of character for an area in Denmark that is self-proclaimed autonomous. It’s home to around 1,000 people and began in 1971 when people started squatting in what was a military area.

Feel the freedom of the open road in a tiny home. Catch a glimpse of some of the coolest tiny homes out there.

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Cabana Floripa

Down in Florianopolis, Brazil, you’ll find one of the most stunning houses constructed with a massive amount of recycled glass bottles arranged in several innovative ways.

Begin some glass bottle work of your own by seeing how to use a glass bottle cutter.

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Wilfried Wirth/imageBROKER/REX/Shutterstock

Cube Houses

Architect Piet Blom designed a series of cube houses in the Netherlands set at an angle to optimize the space inside. These are located in Rotterdam and there are others in Helmond. The houses are around 1,000-square-feet and are meant to resemble an abstract forest. The homes are three stories tall and have an open kitchen and living room on the first floor, a bathroom and two bedrooms on the second floor and some have rooftop gardens. Get your garden going with these amazing tips.

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Red Che/Shutterstock

Futuro #001 Espoo, Finland

The Futuros, as seen in this photo, have airplane doors that fold down. This is the first Futuro manufactured after the prototype and is on display in Espoo, Finland at the WeeGee Exhibition Center as part of the 50th birthday of the Futuro.

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The Gnome Home, Kaatsheuvel, Netherlands

The gnome village with the mushroom houses in the fairytale forest in the theme park Efteling in the Netherlands. The Fairytale Forest opened in 1952 with 10 fairytales in it and it has expanded through the years.

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An upside down boat has provided a dry place on shore for centuries but who knew it’d be such an attractive lodging option. The Boatel in Wales sits on the southern end of the Snowdonia National Park and provides a beautiful view. The Boatel is actually a few facilities. A boat, turned right side up, serves as a bedroom, the upside down boat is more of a living room complete with nautical knickknacks.

Keep your boat afloat with these tips.

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Terre et Toi

A yurt is an excellent way to experience nature and this yurt in France comes designed with a number of organic materials. From straw to earthen plasters to lime and hemp plasters, this little getaway in southern France that overlooks a lake on 20 acres is quite the retreat to nature. It’s also available on Airbnb.

If France is a little too far for an experience in nature, find a place closer to home and make the whole experience easier with tips like using a sled to transport equipment.

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The Container

If smaller living is a notion you’ve entertained for a while, get acquainted with it by checking out this recycled container home in Australia. Set in the country, the container home has sheep nearby on the farm, along with a wide variety of flowers.

Get some ideas on how to brighten your landscape with these plants.

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Cob Cottage, British Columbia

This cottage utilizes local, sustainable, natural materials in its construction for a unique look. On the inside it features tremendous woodworking.

Get started in repurposing work with these awesome-looking projects.

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Container Coziness

Find a sense of contentment with this container home located in Palma de Mallorca in Spain. Lounge poolside or step inside to soak up the rays of natural light that permeate throughout the home.

Pools don’t have to be incredibly ornate but you can get an idea of what looks good with these amazing pools.

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Mayen Val d’Herens en Valais – Sion

In Switzerland you can rent out this stable from the 1890s. The interior has been updated with modern amenities. But given the view that surrounds the building, chances are you’ll want to explore the mountainside. The royal family is known for its cottages but have you seen what Prince Harry and Meghan are living in?

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Holmenkollen, Oslo

This Norwegian cottage is great all year because it’s close to skiing in the winter and plenty of hiking during the summer. The house dates to 1850 and formerly served as a stable. There’s also a small creek nearby and a spa. Who knows, maybe you could find one of these 50 extremely remote castles.

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In Kuta Utara, Bali, Indonesia the JungleRoom is an oasis for guests. There are a number of small cabins for people to choose from but it’s a bit of a special place. There’s daily yoga, a nearby beach and you can stay in the 60-year-old traditional Sumatran eternal teak wood. Get a look at the most enchanting places in the world you can rent.