Top 10 Travel Hotspots to See Hummingbirds

Updated on Jun. 22, 2024

Pack your bags—and don’t forget your binoculars! If it’s hummingbirds you’re after, you’ll want to head to these must-see hot spots.

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Elijah Gildea/Birds & Blooms

Tohono Chul Park, Tucson, Arizona

Residing within the Sonoran Desert, this park provides easy walking trails and gardens to view some of the 140 bird species that visit the 49-acre site. A hummingbird garden attracts Costa’s and Anna’s hummingbirds year-round to sip nectar from salvia, desert willow and other plants. The Wildlife Garden features saguaro cacti where Gila woodpeckers build nests.

Beyond Feeders: 5 More Ways to Attract Hummingbirds

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Hayley Crews/Birds & Blooms

The Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix, Arizona

There’s a Desert Wilflower Loop Trail where you can view exhibits on wildflowers while watching hummingbirds. Greater roadrunners nest in candelabra cacti in the Ottosen Entry Garden. Bird lovers will especially enjoy the guided bird walks, which are held nearly every Monday at the 140-acre site.

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Albert Russell/Birds & Blooms

Yosemite National Park, California

In the Sierra Nevada Mountains, calliope hummingbirds nest in the pine trees and sip nectar from the Indian paintbrush, columbine and larkspur that thrive in Yosemite’s meadows and forests. This park also provides a year-round home for Steller’s jays, which live nearly exclusively in mountain pine forests. One unusual bird here is the gray-crowned rosy-finch that forages in the snow-laden mountains.

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Katherine Poulsen/Birds & Blooms

Bandelier National Monument, Los Alamos, New Mexico

Known by hummingbird enthusiasts as a nesting sanctuary for broad-tailed and black-chinned hummers, this diverse region of the Pajarito Plateau is also the seasonal home of the calliope and rufous. They love Bandelier’s streams, valleys and cliffs, and its proximity to Mexico makes it a thriving migration destination.

Hummingbirds Love This Type of Birdbath

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Candace Woolard/Birds & Blooms

Rio Grande Valley, Texas

Along with the other southern border states, Texas’ Rio Grande Valley is at the center of the annual hummingbird migration and an awesome spot to see buff-bellied and ruby-throated hummingbirds. Persistent birdwatchers might even catch a glimpse or two of a tropical species that may have wandered north of their native habitat. Stop at the visitor center at Estero Llano Grande State Park, one of the newest bird hot spots in South Texas, for a tram or walking tour of the park’s 230 acres.

8 Flowers That Attract Hummingbirds

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Tony Attanasio/Birds & Blooms

Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming

The 300 bird species that have been sighted just south of Yellowstone are as extreme as the landscape here. You can spot both the smallest bird in North America, the calliope hummingbird, and the largest waterfowl, the trumpeter swan, in this park. Other notable species that have been spotted here include three-toed woodpecker, great gray owl, osprey and Brewer’s sparrow.

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Donna Donohue/Birds & Blooms

Lake Hope State Park, McArthur, Ohio

Nothing will get you closer to these magical creatures than hand-feeding them. It’s easy! All you need to bring is a steady hand and some patience. The helpful park officials on site provide the expert knowledge and specially designed hand-held feeders filled with sugar water to help attract the park’s plentiful ruby-throated hummingbird population during summer.

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Elijah Gildea/Birds & Blooms

University of California, Santa Cruz, Arboretum and Botanic Garden

Hummingbirds can’t resist the plentiful supply of nectar at the university’s Arboretum. You’ll likely see Anna’s and Allen’s hummingbirds here. There’s a paved 1/2-mile-long Hummingbird Trail, and on the annual Hummingbird Day celebration each spring, hummingbird lovers of all ages can see and learn about these amazing birds and the gardens that host them.

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Johnny Bliznak/Birds & Blooms

Paton Center for Hummingbirds, Patagonia, Arizona

See a dozen hummingbird species, including Anna’s, broad-billed and violet-crowned hummingbirds, and more than 200 total bird species, at this Arizona hotspot, a lovely 1.4-acre property that was formerly a private residence.

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Sharon Draker/Birds & Blooms

Sedona, Arizona

The stars are all here: rufous, broad-tailed, calliope, black-chinned and Anna’s (a year-round resident). The number and variety of birds in Sedona reach their peak in August. Several hot spots in the area offer up-close, personal views of these birds in large numbers, including the shaded hummingbird patio at Red Rock State Park.