How to Clean a Bathroom: 12 Tricks for Cleaning a Bathroom Faster and Better

Updated on Feb. 28, 2023

Heavy duty solutions on how to clean a bathroom for dirt and grime

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Vacuum First, Then Scrub
Family Handyman

Vacuum First, Then Scrub

Do you ever find yourself chasing strands of wet hair or running into dust balls in the corners with your sponge or cleaning rag? You can learn how to clean your bathroom better and eliminate this nuisance by vacuuming the bathroom before you get out your cleaning solutions. For a really thorough cleaning, start at the top, vacuuming the dust from light fixtures and the top of window casings. Then work your way down. And finally, vacuum the floor methodically so you cover every inch. You don't want to leave any stray hair or dust bunnies to muck up your cleaning water. A soft-bristle upholstery brush works best for this type of vacuuming. Figure out what vacuum to use here.
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Buff Off Heavy Grime
Family Handyman

Buff Off Heavy Grime

If you have glass shower doors in your bathroom and don't keep on top of the cleaning, you can end up with soap scum so tough that it's nearly impossible to remove. Here's how to clean your bathroom better — bring out the heavy equipment. Pick up some polishing compound at a home center or an auto parts store and use an auto buffer to polish off the offending scum. If you don't own a buffer, you can buy one for as little as $20 or borrow one from a gearhead friend. If possible, remove the doors and take them out to the garage to avoid messing up the bathroom. Find out why brass polish is the surefire method to cleaning glass scratches. 
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Protect Your Shower Doors From Mineral Buildup
Family Handyman

Protect Your Shower Doors From Mineral Buildup

When the beads of water left on your glass shower door dry out, they leave minerals behind that are at best unsightly, and at worst can be tough as nails to remove if you let them build up (see first tip). You can avoid beading water altogether by coating the glass with an auto-glass treatment. We're using Aquapel, but Rain-X will also work to clean bathroom showers. Both are available through our affiliation with Follow the instructions on the package to apply the treatment to your shower door glass. You can buy Aquapel online or at local dealers. You'll find Rain-X at any auto parts store. Try these tips to clean your bathroom better and faster.
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Install a Detachable Toilet Seat
Family Handyman

Install a Detachable Toilet Seat

It seems like no matter how hard you try, you can never get the hinges on the toilet seat clean. There's always a bit of cleaning solution that seeps underneath and creeps out later. Installing a detachable toilet seat solves the problem. This Bemis brand seat is easy to remove by just twisting two hinge caps about a quarter of a turn. Then you have easy access to clean under the hinges. Detachable seats cost about $20. Installation is straightforward and only requires a wrench. Are your bolts rusted and stuck? Learn how to remove rusted toilet seat bolts here.

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Remove Stubborn Rust Stains With Acid Magic
Family Handyman

Remove Stubborn Rust Stains With Acid Magic

If you have a lot of iron in your water and struggle with rust stains in your bathtub or toilet, here's a perfect solution. Acid Magic dissolves rust like, um, magic. It's as powerful as muriatic acid but much safer and more pleasant to use. You should still take all the precautions you would with any strong cleaning solution, like wearing gloves and safety glasses when you're using it. But it's better than regular acid because there are no noxious fumes, and it won't burn your skin. To clean rust from toilets and other porcelain surfaces, add three parts water to one part Acid Magic. Apply the mixture to the rust stains with a sprayer, brush or foam pad and watch the stain dissolve. Rinse with clear water. You can also use it full strength for stubborn stains. Avoid getting the acid on metal parts because they can discolor. Acid Magic is available online and at hardware stores. If you have rust on chrome fixtures, check out three surprising solutions for how to clean rust from chrome bathroom fittings.

Don’t miss out on any of these additional hacks to prevent rust spots around your bathroom.

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Remove Tough Grime With Less Scrubbing
Family Handyman

Remove Tough Grime With Less Scrubbing

Whether it's built-up soap scum on the shower walls, ground-in dirt on the floor tile or dried toothpaste on the vanity top, a Magic Eraser sponge (or other brands) will make short work of it. Just dampen it and rub it on the offending mess. In most cases, the mess will come right off. These sponges are especially useful for removing ground-in dirt from porous floor tile and getting those pesky nonslip strips in the bottom of your tub clean. Magic Eraser sponges clean bathroom showers well and are available at grocery stores, hardware stores and wherever cleaning supplies are sold. Unlike regular sponges, they wear out pretty fast, so stock up.
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Make Your Own Greener Cleaning Solution
Family HandymanFamily Handyman

Make Your Own Greener Cleaning Solution

Professional housecleaner Maggie Orth likes to make her own cleaning products. Here's her recipe for an all-purpose cleaning solution, modified from a recipe she found in the book Clean House, Clean Planet by Karen Logan (available from

In a 5-quart bucket, mix 1 cup of distilled vinegar, 3 tablespoons of borax, 1 gallon of hot water and 1/2 cup of soap (Maggie uses Dr. Bronner's Sal Suds). Maggie likes to add 10 or 15 drops of tea tree, lavender or lemon oil for a nice fragrance. Mix the ingredients and then pour some of the mixture into a spray bottle. Save the rest in a gallon jug. The raw ingredients will set you back $25 to $30, but you'll have enough to last for years!

Use this mixture to clean tile, countertops and painted woodwork. It's a good all-purpose cleaner, but it's not the best for cleaning glass. Maggie uses club soda to clean glass.

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Make Your Own Greener Cleaning Solution
Family HandymanFamily Handyman

Make Your Own Greener Cleaning Solution

Professional housecleaner Maggie Orth likes to make her own cleaning products. Here's her recipe for an all-purpose cleaning solution, modified from a recipe she found in the book Clean House, Clean Planet by Karen Logan (available from

In a 5-quart bucket, mix 1 cup of distilled vinegar, 3 tablespoons of borax, 1 gallon of hot water and 1/2 cup of soap (Maggie uses Dr. Bronner's Sal Suds). Maggie likes to add 10 or 15 drops of tea tree, lavender or lemon oil for a nice fragrance. Mix the ingredients and then pour some of the mixture into a spray bottle. Save the rest in a gallon jug. The raw ingredients will set you back $25 to $30, but you'll have enough to last for years!

Use this mixture to clean tile, countertops and painted woodwork. It's a good all-purpose cleaner, but it's not the best for cleaning glass. Maggie uses club soda to clean glass.

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Clean Grout With a Bleach Pen
Family Handyman

Clean Grout With a Bleach Pen

For tile walls, try using a bleach pen to transform your grout from grungy to great. This method is tedious, but the payoff is crisp, clean grout lines. Use the pen to "draw" bleach across the grout lines. The pen allows you to target the grout without getting bleach all over the tile. Wait 10 minutes and then rinse. For really mildewed grout, you may need a second application, and it can help to gently scrub the bleach into the grout with a toothbrush before allowing it to work for 10 minutes. Make sure to run the fan in the bathroom and to avoid skin contact. This method is best for light or white grout. If you have colored grout, test a small area first. It might fade.
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Clean the Exhaust Fan
Family Handyman

Clean the Exhaust Fan

If the grille on your bathroom exhaust fan is clogged with dust, try a trick that's faster and more effective than vacuuming. Here's how to clean a bathroom fan: Turn on the fan and blast out the dust with "canned air." The fan will blow the dust outside. This works on the return air grilles of your central heating/cooling system too. Run the system so that the return airflow will carry the dust to the filter. You'll find canned air at home centers and hardware stores, usually in the electrical supplies aisle. Caution: The cans contain chemical propellants, not just air. Don't let children play with them.
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Bleach Away Stains

Bleach Away Stains

Remove stubborn stains from marble, cultured marble or plastic laminate with a bleach-soaked paper towel. Cover the towel with a cup to contain the bleach odor, and leave it in place overnight. If the stain has faded but not disappeared, just repeat the process. Test this trick in a hidden area first; it could discolor the surface. Dealing with a whole countertop? You can renew it yourself. Warning: If you have quartz countertops in your bathroom, it's recommended you NOT use bleach. Learn how to clean quartz countertops the best way here.
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Make Cleaning Easier

Make Cleaning Easier

One-piece toilets are easier to clean (fewer nooks and crannies), but they're also more expensive and can be harder to install than a two-piece unit (they're a lot heavier than a separate bowl and tank). If you're feeling flush and want truly easy cleaning, consider a wall-mounted toilet. Find the perfect toilet for you with expert advice. Photo: Courtesy of Toto USA, Inc.