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A humane catch-and-release product traps the mouse in a plastic tube. The Motel Mouse comes with air vents and won’t trap the mouse’s tail. It comes with an easy, no-touch release option.
Like most humane traps, Motel Mouse is safe around pets and children. It also comes in different sizes and colors so you can pick the best possible match for your home and pests.
An added touch we like: A cleaning brush to keep the trap sanitary and scent-free. Besides controlling general odors, it won’t scare away new mice.
What to Look for in a Mouse Trap
If you’re in the market for mouse traps, here are a few factors to keep in mind:
The main concern is the method used to trap and/or kill the mouse. Traps are generally spring-activated (like classic mouse traps), electric or have some other method of capturing a mouse (like a one-way door). All of these must be reset (including adding new lures) between uses, but electric ones may need complete replacements when their batteries are dead.
Some traps leave a dead mouse in plain sight, while others hide them away. Be aware of your personal level of squeamishness in considering your traps. You will definitely have to deal with the carcasses if you’re using kill traps (and throwing the whole rig away can be wasteful), but you’ll have to figure out how to release the mouse if you use more humane options.
Humane Treatment
Some live traps allow catch and release (and these are the most humane option), but kill traps can be more or less humane as well. A well-designed mouse trap should kill as quickly and painlessly as possible. An important note: If you have any interest in humane pest control, definitely avoid glue traps. These result in a slow and terrifying end for trapped mice.
Child/Pet Protection
For homes with children and/or pets, consider an enclosed trap that keeps fingers and paws out of harm’s way. Mouse traps are no joke and can cause serious damage to humans and other pets, including broken bones and/or amputated digits.
Ease of Use
A traditional spring trap can be difficult to load, which can make it potentially dangerous when setting up and resetting. To make things simpler for you and yours, look for traps that are easy to set.
How We Found the Best Mouse Traps
Pest control is a regretful business but a necessary one. Still, the category made us take a look at what we were offering in a unique way. Of course, we considered brand reputations, product materials and quality, styles, budgets and more. But we also paid close attention to the user experience—both professional and from the perspective of the average consumer—to help make a selection of mouse traps that suit a variety of needs and desires (like humaneness and ease of use) before settling on a final array, which you see here.
Why You Should Trust Us
Regarding home improvement and DIY, Dan Stout is an undeniable expert, having worked as a former residential remodeler, commercial site supervisor and maintenance manager. That also means he’s dealt with his fair share of pest control, including the use of a variety of mouse traps, making him uniquely qualified and experienced to speak on the matter.
What kind of mouse traps are most effective?
Electric traps are considered the most effective but also the most expensive. Some companies claim a kill rate of as much as 100 percent, though these rates are typically achieved in clinical settings.
Are mice smart enough to avoid mouse traps?
Sometimes, yes. A homeowner’s best defense against trap-avoiding mice is simple: add more traps. The greater the number of traps, the fewer chances a mouse has to skirt them.
What attracts mice to traps the most?
Foods high in fat and sugar are often the best to attract mice, which is why cheese and peanut butter are go-to classics. But you can also use beef jerky or even marshmallows (among other things). It’s reported that female mice are also drawn to materials they might use to build nests, like yarn or twine.
What keeps mice away permanently?
As is the case with many pests, keeping your home and property clean and free of excess food debris is your best defense. However, mice are unlikely to leave permanently so long as there are hiding places and food options.