Roses reward a little TLC with glorious, often fragrant blooms and healthy green foliage. Rose experts say that of the NPK combination, phosphorus is the most important mineral to stimulate blooms. We like this organic rose and flower fertilizer for its 4-8-4 NPK ratio, but be wary—dogs may like the blood, bone meal and seagull poop that are part of the ingredients. To give you an idea of how much you’ll need, 5 pounds treat 100 square feet of garden soil, and is suitable for roses, annuals, bulbs and vegetable gardens.
- High in phosphorus
- Affordable
- Organic
- Packaging made of recycled materials
If you live in a year-round rainy climate or an area with a heavy rainy season, watering your garden probably won’t be a challenge. But all that rain can wash nutrients from your soil, especially nitrogen, and can also wash away any fertilizers you apply.
Skip the liquid fertilizer, which will wind up in the storm drain, and instead use a continuous-release granular fertilizer that you mix into the soil. We like Proven Winners for its high nitrogen ratio and long-lasting efficacy of up to six months. This 15-7-15 NPK formula is best applied in the spring when vigorous growth is desired.
- Time released for up to six months
- Easy shaker application
- Promotes growth for flowers and shrubs
- Insoluble formula doesn’t degrade with water
Wiggle Worm’s organic fertilizer is a natural soil builder that activates depleted soil with natural earthworm castings, aka poop. Fertilizing with worm castings provides long-term nutrition to plants by adding beneficial microbes to the soil. As soil improves, it helps root growth and overall plant health. If your soil already has a lot of earthworms, their castings are nourishing your plants, but if you rarely see a worm in your dirt, your garden will appreciate this naturally occurring by-product of earthworm activity.
This product is suitable for indoor and outdoor plants, trees and shrubs. Unlike other organic fertilizers, the Wiggle Worm soil builder is odorless, so critters aren’t attracted to it.
For heavy-feeding plants, supplement Wiggle Worm with other fertilizers. The NPK ratio is 1-0-0, providing some nitrogen, but more predominantly, it conditions and amends your soil the way nature intended to help your plants absorb nutrients. A little goes a long way, but unlike other fertilizers, you never need to worry about over-fertilizing with worm poop.
- All-natural formula
- Chemical-free and odorless
- Builds soil
- Can be applied any time of year
- Can’t be used with a broadcast spreader