Andreas von Einsiedel/Getty Images
Seal Your Fireplace Forever
Tired of battling drafts that raise your heating costs when you haven’t used your fireplace in years? Why not seal off your fireplace permanently?
To cover the fireplace, start by cleaning the chimney thoroughly and covering up the rooftop chimney cap. Next, close the damper, insert insulation into the flue and secure it. Now add houseplants, bookshelves or completely brick-over the space. You now have a no-fuss, faux fireplace.
DIY Removable Cover
One of the best ways to close off drafty airflow from your fireplace, especially when it won’t be used for a while, is to create a decorative and removable cover that you can pop in and out. Cut two-inch-thick foam to the shape of the opening; subtract about an 1/8- to 1/4-inch around all sides to leave room for wrapping with material. Cover the foam with a cozy blanket or fun fabric to match your decor.
Why Trust Us
I’m a culture and lifestyle writer, reviews expert and DIYer covering an array of home topics. She has researched a lot of products and knows how to find and recommend ones that will work best for homeowners looking to solve a specific problem.
I consulted Russ Dimmitt, the Director of Education at the Chimney Safety Institute of America. Dimmitt has nearly three decades in the chimney and venting industry. He educates chimney sweeps and professionals on the latest products, safety protocols and all other aspects when it comes to chimneys.
When do you need to use a fireplace draft stopper?
Use a fireplace draft stopper if you notice that cool air (or warm air in the summer) is getting into your home through your fireplace. If you don’t have a fireplace draft stopper, it can cause your home to be uncomfortable and will most likely cause you to pay more to heat or cool your home. Dimmitt breaks down the science further.
“Air moves out of the home through the flue for two reasons. The first is warm air rises, and if you have paid to heat that air—such as in the winter—that will negatively impact your heating bill. The second is a pressure issue in the home compared to the outside. Air will flow into the home if it is under negative pressure (most homes are designed to operate under a slight negative pressure). The air flowing into the home may be warm or cold depending on the season.”
What safety concerns should you be aware of when using a fireplace draft stopper?
Dimmitt says that the most important thing to remember is to remove the fireplace draft stopper before the fireplace is put into operation. If you’re using a glass door or blanket, it’s easy to remember. However, if you’re using a plug or balloon, you may forget to move it. Failing to remove the draft stopper prevents smoke and flames from exiting the home and could cause serious danger.