Yellow Dog Productions/Getty Images
Yellow Dog Productions/Getty Images
Unless its paws are spring-loaded, your small dog can probably be well-contained in a lower fence, like this 3-1/2-foot tall wooden picket fence you can install yourself. Vinyl and metal fencing is also available in lower heights. The lower the fence, the less it costs.
Keep in mind that a low fence is best suited for dogs without a strong instinct to leap, climb or jump. If your little dog is a super-athlete, you’re gonna need a taller fence.
Fencing for Dogs That Like to Jump and Climb
If your dog is a four-legged acrobat, consider a tall fence that doesn’t provide footholds — or rather, paw-holds. A wooden or vinyl privacy fence with closed slats are good bets, or you could install a tall chain-link or wire/wood frame fencing.
Another option? Before deciding which type of tall fence to invest in, try an invisible fence first, and see if that’s enough to keep your Houdini dog safely contained in the yard.