Become a Lord or Lady in Scotland for Less Than $50

Updated on Sep. 27, 2022

Highland Titles Nature Reserve has offered the acknowledgement of nobility as a fundraiser to create natural reserves in Scotland. Highland Titles started in 2006 by Dr. Peter Bevis and his daughter, Laura, when they began selling plots from the family’s land to fund the planting of additional trees. They wanted to revive an area that had been used for farming and forestry for centuries.

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Highland Titles Nature Reserve at Glencoe Wood

The 250-acre nature reserve was acquired in 2007 in an area that long served as a hill farming and forestry area. The success of the program led to an additional 200-acre purchase in 2014 the reserve was gifted another 10 acres in 2015, which are also being transformed into a nature reserve. With all the trees going up you might want to know how to identify trees by their leaves, here’s how.

Photo: Via Highland Titles

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How Much?!?

A hill of beans they said, well, who’s laughing now. For just $46 you can buy 1-square-foot of land in Scotland and become a lord or a lady. We’re still not sure if money can really buy you class but you can purchase the illusion. If you always seek out the best deals around, you’ll appreciate the secret deals at Sam’s Club.

Photo: Via Highland Titles

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Pick How Much Space You Want

Highland Titles offers four packages including the 1-square-foot plot. You can purchase 10-square-feet for $77 or 100-square-feet for $185 or 1,000-square-feet for $770 and call yourself Laird, Lord or Lady of Glencoe. In a way you have earned the title instead of the time you checked the Dr. box on a credit card application.

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Photo: Via Highland Titles

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Show Off Your Estate

Part of the package you get when you buy a plot is a smartphone app that will let you brag to your friends about your lordship. Some options include swag like a lambswool scarf and stationery items.

Photo: Via Highland Titles

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Visitors Welcomed

Those who decide to become a lord, laird or lady are allowed to visit their lot. There are more than 100,000 people who are part of the Highland Titles Community. Those who join the community by purchasing a plot have the opportunity to vote on land management topics as well. If you do get a plot big enough for camping you’re going to want to know these camping hacks before you go.

Photo: Via Highland Titles

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It Really is Your Land

It can be passed down to your heirs, even though it’s a souvenir plot. You can sell it but it can’t be subdivided. You can camp on the plot if it’s 100-square-feet or larger. There are no taxes to pay on the land and you don’t need to carry insurance for the land. What the heck are your property taxes funding anyway? Find out.

Photo: Via Highland Titles

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You’re Not Actually Buying a Title

Highland Titles just acknowledges your right to use the title of Laird, Lord or Lady of Glencoe because it has trademarked that. You actually have to be a king or a queen to live in one of these gorgeous castles.

Photo: Via Highland Titles