12 Painless Ways to Get Kids to Do Chores

Updated on May 20, 2024

Having your kids drag their feet when it comes to doing their chores doesn't have to be the rule. With a few tricks, your kids will get their chores completed without much nagging. Here are 12 tips to get them on track.

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Make it Routine

Many people, including kids, thrive on routine. Make regular chores routine—such as emptying the dishwasher after eating breakfast or straightening up their room for 10 minutes after dinner each night. These are our top 10 household cleaning tips.

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Yuganov Konstantin/Shutterstock

Create a Chore Bucket

Let your kids choose their task. Write down a bunch of chores that need to be completed and have them pick one or more out of a bucket. Give them a time frame in which they must get their chore done. This is the definitive guide on how often you should clean everything.

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LightField Studios/Shutterstock

Work for the Password

Tired of your kids sitting around and fiddling with their phones and tablets all day? Make them work for your home’s Wi-Fi password. They can’t get the password until their chores are completed. Just remember to change your password that morning. Discover tips to make your home Wi-Fi faster.

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Melissa King/Shutterstock

Make a Chore Chart

If you want your kids to have daily chores, make them a chore chart. Hang it in a spot where everyone can see it and keep track. They may find it rewarding to mark off completed tasks each day. You can also use stickers as incentive, depending on the age of the kids. Build a home message center to stay organized.

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Tomsickova Tatyana/Shutterstock

Create a Toy Jail

Does your child have a favorite toy? Consider putting that toy in “jail” until his or her chores are completed. They’ll likely work fast to free their favorite toy. Here are 12 awesome ideas for storing toys.

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Jacob Lund/Shutterstock

Use Rewards

Rewards can be a great incentive for young children struggling to get their chores done. Have them choose something fun to do after they get a certain number of chores done, such as a trip to get ice cream or a movie date.

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Use a Timer

Kids love to get things done when it’s a race. Set a timer to see how many chores they can get completed in a set amount of time. Just make sure they do a good job.

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Work for Hire

Give kids an opportunity to earn a little extra when they take on extra work. Create a work-for-hire board with tasks they can do for a little extra money once their daily chores are done. You might be surprised to come home and even have your daily tasks completed for you.

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Make it a Game

Make it a game and there’s a good chance your kids will get their chores done in a timely fashion. Do they have to clean up the play area? See how many toys they can collect in a set amount of time.

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Oleg Mikhaylov/Shutterstock

Work with Them

Teamwork can come in handy. Team up with your child to weed the garden or do the dishes. This will help young kids learn how to do tasks around the house. Try these tips for easier garden weeding.

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KPG Payless2/Shutterstock

Offer Praise

When your child does a good job on a task or keeping up with their chores, let them know. Tell them they did a good job mowing the lawn or doing dishes. Let them know their work is valued. Here’s why you shouldn’t mow your lawn every week.

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Jenn Huls/Shutterstock

Give Them an Allowance

Let’s face it, kids love having their own money. Include your child in a discussion about how much their work is worth and consider giving them a little extra now and then when they do a job especially well.