Car Tires

Extend the life of your tires, know when to buy new ones and discover how make some repairs yourself.

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How Long Do Tires Last?

The answer to the seemingly simple question "How long do car tires last?" isn't that simple. Here's why.

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How to Check Tire Pressure

Learning how to check tire pressure is easy and inexpensive. Make it a part of your monthly maintenance routine in...

How to Change a Tire

Do you know how to change a tire? It's really not that difficult. Here are some tips that will make...

How to Check Tire Tread

Watch and learn how to measure tire tread

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How to Safely Jack Up a Truck

Follow these steps to get your truck up on jacks and ready to work on.

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Fix a Leaking Tire Valve Stem in 5 Minutes

Five minutes is all the time you need for this quick, easy valve stem fix.

A Full Guide to Wheel Stud Replacement

Replacing broken wheel studs is not as hard as it looks.