You may be familiar with the Active brand for its washing machine cleaner, dishwasher cleaner and other household products that make the nooks and crannies of your home sparkling. Another often forgotten spot that needs some TLC? Your septic tank. Active just introduced septic tank treatment pods to maintain a healthy bacteria balance within the system. Not sure why that matters? Or why you need these pods? Continue on for the details.

$19.95 at Amazon

What are Septic Tank Treatment Pods?

Not everyone has a septic tank. It’s for those whose homes aren’t part of a city water and sewer system. The system treats the wastewater from the house, and bacteria breaks down organic matter as the tank gets rid of wastewater. So why do you need treatment pods?

Benefits of Septic Tank Treatment Pods

The Active septic tank treatment pods release a powerful blend of natural bacteria and enzymes, which helps break down organic matter, including fats, oils and solids. They’re super easy to use—just drop one pod into the toilet and flush! When used monthly, the pods assist in the health and longevity of the system by ensuring optimal functionality and reducing the chances of backups. It’s the easiest way to help maintain your septic tank without doing any dirty work, aka pumping it.

Speaking of which, Active says that the septic tank treatment pods also increase the time between pumpings. While you should have your system tended to regularly, the pods can increase that timeline, saving you time and money.

Where to Buy the Active Septic Tank Pods

Septic Tank Treatment Podsvia merchant

Active’s new septic tank treatment pods are available on Amazon for $19.95. Each bag includes 12 dissolving packets, which means you’re set for a whole year. You have to love a convenient, affordable treatment!

“We believe that this product will not only enhance the functionality of septic tanks, but also provide peace of mind to homeowners.” Steven Renn, CEO of Active, said in a press release.

$19.95 at Amazon