Here at Family Handyman, we don’t play when it comes to cleaning floors. Well, now we do, thanks to these Amazon mop slippers that turn the chore of mopping floors into a dance party.

If you have hard floors throughout your home, you’ve probably searched for the best floor mops and tile floor cleaners. And while we’ve also searched high and low for implements, like the best mops for laminate floors and steam cleaners, sometimes we just want products that take the chore feeling out of tidying up. For easy and fun (yes, fun!) cleaning, products like robot vacuums and mop slippers are some of the things we reach for.

What are mop slippers?

Mop slippers are just what they sound like: slippers that do the work of a floor mop. These silly-looking accessories slip over your shoes (or socks) and work like two mini microfiber mop heads across floors. That’s right—no bending, no bucket, just slide across your floors to pick up all the dust and dander that you’d normally sweep or mop up. Because mop slippers are made of soft chenille microfiber, they’re especially good for dusting and picking up spills on hardwood floors, as well as tile, laminate and linoleum flooring.

The pack of five pairs on Amazon comes with five different colors of mop slippers, including purple, pink, green, orange and blue, so each family member can have their own set. They’re machine washable and can be worn with or without shoes. They can even be slipped onto an existing mop head to clean windows or wash a car!

We recommend slipping these suckers on, cranking up the music and dancing around (and cleaning!) your floors. Mop slippers are the most fun when you’ve got other people grooving with you. Plus, you’ll cut cleaning time in half with multiple feet (aka mop heads).

$9.98 at Amazon

Mop Slippers Product Features

Each pair of mop slippers measures about 5 inches in width and 11 inches in length, and has an elastic-stretch opening to wrap around your foot or the sole of your shoe. You can use them like you would a dry mop, however, they’re not waterproof. If you’re going to use them with a cleaning solution, we recommend using a cleaner that sprays, so that you don’t completely saturate the slipper and get your feet wet.

I wear a size 10 in women’s tennis shoes, and I did have a little bit of trouble pulling these over my shoes. So, if your feet are larger than a women’s size 10 (men’s 8), you’ll probably have to use these without shoes.

How We Tested Them

Tamicy Mop Slippers Shoes Mary Henn Family HandymanMary Henn/Family Handyman

I put these mop slippers to the test as soon as they arrived in the mail, as my apartment floors—which are laminate—desperately needed cleaning. I used them as a dry duster first, picking up dog hair and other day-to-day dirt that had accumulated since my last cleaning. They did a fine job picking up clumps of hair and lint. They did, however, also leave behind a little bit of their own lint, which probably could have been avoided had I washed the slippers first.

Next, I popped on another pair and used an all-purpose spray cleaner to spot clean areas in my apartment that get more foot traffic. The mop slippers soak up quite a bit of liquid (which is great if you’re using them to clean up a spill). So, I found myself spraying the floors frequently while cleaning.

I also gave a pair to my mom, who has hardwood floors throughout her home, and she liked the way they cleaned. In fact, I would say that the mop slippers are best suited for hardwood floors over any other type of flooring. Hardwood and laminate flooring can be moisture-sensitive, so using a water-absorbent mop head, like these microfiber mop slippers, are a smart choice for cleaning without excess liquid.

What occurred to me later, however, became my favorite thing about the mop slippers: They’re a smart way to keep pet hair off your socks when you’re walking around the house. No matter how often you clean, if you have animals in your home, it seems like your socks are inevitably doomed to collect hair. Sliding these mop slippers over your socks when you’re chilling at home not only protects your socks from becoming a trap for dog or cat hair, but they also dust your floors while you walk around.


  • Super affordable
  • Comes in a pack of five pairs
  • Reusable
  • Machine washable
  • Absorbent
  • Multipurpose
  • Colorful


  • Fit most, but not all, feet
  • May shed upon first use


Is microfiber good for mopping?

Microfiber is great for quickly cleaning hard surfaces. The main advantages are that you don’t need to use chemicals for cleaning (as microfiber naturally picks up dust, dander and dirt), and you don’t have to haul a bucket of water with you while mopping with a microfiber mop head.

Are mop slippers slippery?

They can be! If you’re on the clumsy side or prone to falling, you may want to use the mop slippers one at a time, so that you have one sturdy foot to ground you. We also noticed that the mop slippers seemed to be a little bit more slippery on hardwood floors than on laminate flooring.

What are mop slippers for?

Microfiber mop slippers not only pick up daily dust, dirt and pet hair, but they also absorb liquids. They’re great for kitchen spills and cleaning floors. They’re also nifty for dusting baseboards and mopping hard-to-reach spots on the bathroom floor (around the toilet and under the sink) without getting on your hands and knees.

What Other Reviewers Had to Say

Verified purchaser, Janet Meehan, calls the mop slippers practical and fun. “OK… wasn’t sure what to expect, but these worked pretty great!” she writes. “I was able to slip these right over my size 8.5 women’s sneakers with ease and go to town cleaning my kitchen floors. I just sprayed floor cleaner on my hardwood floors and skated across them with my damp “floor cleaning footies” (as I like to call them), and my floor was done in less than five minutes! I just rinse them out and toss them in the washer and dryer with a load of towels, and they are ready for next time! I would definitely call that a busy mom win!”

Bree Schlageter loves these mop slippers. “Best thing I have ever ordered!!” she confirms. “They work amazing on hardwood floors.”

“They let your feet do jobs that otherwise require hands and knees on the floor (like behind toilets)!” writes five-star Amazon reviewer, Lauri K. Thomas, noting that the mop slippers fit onto a Swiffer WetJet.

Final Verdict

We recommend the mop slippers to anyone who’s looking for a fun and easy way to clean hard floors. They’re a clever way to engage kids in cleaning in an exciting way, and they’ll convince adults to refresh their space. We love that they’re multipurpose and easy to wash. Slip them over shoes or socks to pick up pet hair as you go about your day, attach them to a dry mop for a reusable mop head or even use them to wash your car. When you’re done, throw them in the washing machine so they’re clean for next time.

Note: You might want to avoid placing these mop slippers in the dryer. Frequent drying will loosen the fabric and make them prone to pilling. If you do dry them, we recommend a low heat setting and skipping dryer sheets.

Where to Buy Mop Slippers

Tamicy Mop Slippers Shoes Ecomm Amazon.comvia merchant

These mop slippers are super affordable, and you can snag five pairs for just a little under $11 on Amazon.

$9.98 at Amazon