We’ve all done it — overtightened an oil filter so much that it’s a bear to remove. If you think you can remove it by jamming a long screwdriver through the can and twisting, think again. The screwdriver will just rip the can open, and you’ll be drenched in oil. When you’re done dealing with that mess, the filter will still be stuck, and you’ll be even more frustrated.

How to Remove a Stuck Oil Filter

Oil Filter RemoverFamily Handyman

To remove a stuck filter, use a band-type wrench lined with coarse-grit, adhesive-backed sandpaper. You can also spray adhesive on the back of conventional sandpaper. Better yet, buy a filter wrench with coarse grit welded to the inside of the band.

A close-up image of hands working on a wooden surface with tools. One hand is gripping a piece of blue sandpaper, while the other peels back a layer from it. A utility knife and tape measure are on the table nearby.Family Handyman

Slide the filter wrench band all the way down near the base of the filter. Then tighten it and twist.