Store just about every hand tool you need on a strip of vinyl-coated 1/2-in. wire mesh hardware cloth. Make a frame from a scrap of plywood.
Hardware Cloth Tool Roost
Store just about every hand tool you need on a strip of vinyl-coated 1/2-in. wire mesh hardware cloth. Make a frame from a scrap of plywood and a couple of 5-in.-long 2x4s. Span the 2x4s with the mesh and staple it on, then bend over the front of the mesh to cover the 2×4 ends. Now have fun filling the mesh with any tool that has a shaft that’ll fit through the holes. Or for chisels, pliers and larger-handled tools, just snip out wider openings in the mesh with a wire cutter. For a wrench roost, snip and bend up wires along the front edge of the mesh to make little hanging hooks. Thanks to Allan Siegrist for this especially wired storage tip.