Learn how andirons and grates differ and why you'll favor andirons for your fireplace.
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Learn how andirons and grates differ and why you'll favor andirons for your fireplace.
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I used to love my fireplace. On dreary winter days, I’d burn away the blues with a roaring fire that made the room delightfully cozy.
Now I don’t feel so great, and it’s because of my grate. I’ve learned a grate is second-rate compared with a classy set of andirons.
“If you had a big, beautiful fireplace, it would be a shame to use a grate in it,” says Leroy Hite, CEO and founder of Cutting Edge Firewood in Peachtree Corners, Georgia. “A big, beautiful fireplace is just begging to have andirons. They look so beautiful, whereas a grate does not. With a grate, the fireplace is not meeting its potential.”
The last thing we want is an underperforming fireplace. Read on as we fan the flames of andiron envy and explain why you should choose andirons over grates.
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Andirons are typically L-shaped metal bracket supports, normally found in pairs, that secure logs in an open fireplace. The upright arm of decorative andirons may feature balls, finials, pheasants, harps or similar items. Grates are metal grill-like baskets that hold burning logs.
“Grates are more traditional than useful,” says Hite. “In the past, the English cut down almost all of their trees and used them for fuel. They therefore used charcoal or coal instead of wood in their fireplaces. Grates hold charcoal better than andirons, and so we inherited grates from the English.”
Hite says andirons create more heat because they increase airflow around the logs.
“People are familiar with grates and andirons, but they are not familiar with the name andiron,” he says. “Everybody has seen andirons in Westerns or old English movies with castles and such, but 95 percent of the time when I say `andirons,’ people have a confused look on their face. When I show them a picture, they say, ‘Oh, yeah, I know what those are.’ ”
Grates and andirons allow airflow from beneath the fire. That makes a fire easier to start and burn more robustly with less smoldering. Plus, grates and andirons keep the logs in the fireplace. Hite says that grates and andirons function the same way, but andirons do it better.
These attractive grates come in two price categories:
You can get new, simple bent-metal andirons for less than $80. But why not make a statement with yours? These lookers aren’t antiques (special category) and fall into two price ranges:
From choosing the right style to ensuring safety and proper maintenance, knowing the essentials will help you get the most out of your indoor fireplace.