Whether you want to avoid the hardware store at all costs or are just looking for a more efficient way to shop, tapping into the best place to buy paint might be as simple as a quick internet search. There’s often a lot of thought and effort that goes into determining the right paint color for your space—and don’t forget about the DIY painting tools and best painting tools on Amazon you’ll need.

One of the benefits of buying paint online is access to the resources many paint brands have for helping homeowners narrow down their options. Fan decks are helpful for in-store purchases, but when buying paint online, it’s all about the quizzes. Many of these places are able to narrow down your search in about five quick questions.

Even if you’ve done all of your paint shopping at a brick-and-mortar up until now, there’s nothing to lose by switching it up. In fact, you might just find that the painting process will be a bit easier.

Ace Hardware

Ace Paint Studio Acehardware.comvia merchant

Visit Ace Hardware’s online paint studio and you’ll find thousands of colors from brands like Benjamin Moore, Clark + Kensington and Magnolia Home by Joanna Gaines. Like some of the other best places to buy paint on this list, Ace offers a quiz to help you choose the best paint color for your space. You can also search by popular colors, if sticking with the trends is what you’re after.

Tinted paint is a customized item at Ace Hardware and is not eligible for returns. Therefore, it’s a smart option if you’re sure of the color you want or have used it elsewhere in your home already. Be sure to check that your local store delivers to your home address. If not, local pickup might also be an option.

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Backdrop Paint Backdrophome.comvia merchant

Backdrop is the first Climate Neutral Certified paint brand, offering a collection of 65 shades that are low-volatile organic compounds (VOC), low odor and Green Wise Certified. They ship in eco-friendly packaging and even the metal pan is recyclable. Backdrop is an ideal best place to buy paint if your want to feel extra-good about your purchase.

The paint is offered in various finishes specifically suited for indoor, outdoor and cabinet use, and are available in both semi-gloss and standard finishes. If you need to return your paint or supplies for any reason, all unopened items can be returned with no return deadline. Orders ship free initially, but returns will require a $10 restocking fee.

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Behr Paint Behr.comvia merchant

Behr is one of the best places to buy paint online due to the scope of its offerings (color, sheen, type) combined with an incredibly user-friendly site. They simplify the process through their painting how-tos, sheen guide, paint calculator and paint kits that make prepping a breeze. The five-piece kit includes a metal tray, tray liner, angled sash brush, roller frame and roller cover. Add the kit to your order and your entire supply list will be taken care of—no additional thought needed.

While the shopping takes place on Behr’s website, it’s important to note that you’ll checkout at HomeDepot.com. Even with the switching over of sites, it’s still a no-fuss operation.

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The Home Depot

Bedroom Paint Homedepot.comvia merchant

If you’re looking to shop a wide variety of paint shades, brand, and tools, The Home Depot should be at the top of your list. You’ll find all the best paint trends with names like Behr, PPG and Glidden, as well as some lesser-known choices. If you’re unhappy with your purchase, The Home Depot will correct your can or replace it with a better fit.

So you found the best place to buy paint for your space, but are still trying to nail down the right color? You can opt for a peel-and-stick paint sample or an 8-ounce paint sample to help you hone in on the right hue. Be sure to utilize The Home Depot’s Pro Referral Marketplace to find a local painting professional in your area if you decide to hire-out the project.

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Walmart Paint Walmart.comvia merchant

If you’re looking to find something not sold at Walmart, paint won’t be it. Popular brands, including Glidden, Valspar, Rust-Oleum and Lanco, among others, round out the more than 8,000 interior paint options. Plus, you can snag all the painting tools you’ll need at the same time, such as painter’s tape or tarps. A variety of shopping parameters—including price, speed of delivery and availability, in addition to the color, sheen and type options—helps narrow things down if you’re working within a deadline or any other type of constraint.

Because so many paint options are offered, Walmart likely won’t be your best choice if you’re struggling to narrow down your choices. However, if you have a particular brand and color family in mind, you’ll be able to easily find it and opt for delivery (as soon as the same day!).

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