What Is a Deep Clean?
You might pride yourself on maintaining a clean, organized home. And your house might look sparking clean, but that doesn’t mean you’re not overdue for a deep clean. So, what exactly is a deep clean?
A deep clean typically involves cleaning those often overlooked areas of your home that the vacuum and duster don’t touch. For example:
- Dusting ceiling fans, lamps and light fixtures
- Vacuuming under furniture
- Cleaning trash cans
- Scrubbing baseboards, door handles and frames, windowsills, etc.
Most professional cleaners offer this service, but it’s a lot less expensive to do it yourself.
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Why Is Deep Cleaning So Satisfying?
Think about the parts of your house that need to be deep cleaned. Sure, these may be the tasks you put off over and over. But boy, once you work up the will to tackle them, what a sense of accomplishment!
Mental health and wellness experts say deep cleaning gives us a sense of satisfaction because we’ve completed a big job we’ve probably been postponing.
“When we complete goals we feel accomplished, and the same goes with cleaning,” says Meera Watts, founder of SiddhiYoga. “Plus, cleaning is totally uncomplicated work with no deadline.” It’s the satisfaction of completing the task without the pressure of having to get it done.
Psychologist Darren Stanton says deep cleaning can be a good antidote to stress. “Cleaning gives people a sense of mastery and control over their environment,” he says. “So if you’re feeling the urge to clean and declutter, you may be feeling stressed or slightly overwhelmed. Your mind and body are probably looking for a way to bring order into your life.”
For some, Stanton says, deep cleaning can even bring a sense of euphoria. “It is a release, a weight off our shoulders,” he says. “There is a psychological benefit, like with successful athletes, for getting in the zone and driving towards a goal — in this case, a clean environment.”
While we won’t promise euphoria, we can bet checking these deep-cleaning tasks off your list will deliver a huge sense of satisfaction.