green houseplant, brown tips on leaves
A healthy philodendron plant with green leaves

If your plant is sporting crispy, dark or brown tips on the leaves, it’s more than just a cosmetic issue — it’s a signal that your plant care routine may need adjusting. There are several potential causes, and figuring out what’s behind it might take a little trial and error. To get it right, try changing one thing at a time and give it a couple of weeks to see if it makes a difference.

I initially thought underwatering was causing the leaves on my philodendron to turn brown, so I started watering it more. However, when that didn’t help, I tried adding fertilizer and it turned out that’s exactly what my plant really needed. In this article, we’ll break down the common reasons for brown leaves on your house plants and simple solutions to get your plant looking healthy and happy again.

Lack of Water or Humidity

Lack of humidity could also be the cause. Tropical plants prefer higher humidity than we have in our homes. When we turn on the heat in winter, there’s even less moisture in the air.

Group plants together so that as one loses moisture through its leaves, the neighbors benefit. Or place plants on saucers or trays filled with pebbles and water. Set a pot on the pebbles above the water. As water evaporates, it increases the humidity around the plant, where it is needed.

Brown Tips on Leaves: Signs of Nutrient Deficiency

brown tips on leaves, houseplant problems
Spots and brown tips on anthurium leaves

A burned look on leaf tips, or dark green/reddish-purplish older leaves, may indicate a phosphorus deficiency. When that happens you may see yellow or brown along older leaf tips and edges, yellowing between veins, curling leaves or spotting.

For potted plants, add a slow-release type of fertilizer to the soil mix before planting. Every time you water, a little fertilizer is released, providing a steady flow of nutrients.

But depending on the growing conditions and number of plants in the container, a midseason boost may be needed. Stay on top of your fertilizer applications by making notes on a calendar.


Can plant diseases be unsafe for humans?

Plant diseases do not generally pose health concerns for humans. Severely immunocompromised persons could be affected by a mold or fungus that develops on a diseased plant, but that is an unusual occurrence.

How do I know if overwatering is the cause of my brown plant tips?

Just as underwatering can cause brown plant tips, overwatering can be just as damaging. A sign your plant’s brown tips are due to overwatering is the leaves will be soft or mushy, rather than dry and crispy as with underwatering.