Hostas can grow in a wide range of U.S. regions and zones. Here are the areas where they absolutely thrive.
What Regions and Zones are Best for Growing Hostas?
Planting hostas offers a wide range of great benefits, from their popular looks to their low maintenance. If you’re thinking about adding hostas to your garden, make sure you’re setting the plant up for success with the right growing conditions.
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Best Regions and Zones for Growing Hostas
Most hostas grow best in USDA Hardiness Zones 3 to 8, with some varieties suitable for Zone 9. Those zones include almost all of the U.S. Hostas do need a period of cold and wet weather, which eliminates some warmer desert regions.
Do you know which Hardiness Zone you’re in? Find your Plant Hardiness Zone to buy the plants that will grow well in your garden.
Best Conditions for Growing Hostas
Hostas are shade-loving plants, which makes them a great option for low sun areas where other plants can’t grow. However, hostas do need space to spread out, so do not plant them in an already crowded garden.
Keep in mind that humans aren’t the only ones who love hostas. Slugs have been known to snack on them, as well as deer and rabbits. But there are ways to keep deer away from your hostas, so plant them somewhere pests won’t have free reign.
Easiest Hosta Varieties to Grow
Hostas come in lots of shapes, sizes and colors, and some require less maintenance than others. One popular choice is Elegans, which grows well when dry or in shade and is also slug resistant. Here’s our roundup on easiest hosta varieties to grow.
When to Plant Hostas
According to Miracle Gro, early spring and early fall are the best times to plant hostas to avoid extreme heat or rain. Hostas are a forgiving plant, though, and are difficult to kill. If the weather does heat up soon after planting, a good initial watering will help your hostas grow while they establish roots.