While we all settle in and purchase essentials via delivery, retailers are hard at work making shopping less worrisome for employees and customers. Costco stopped accepting returns on high-demand items like toilet paper and Lysol for the time being. Now Target has come out with an even broader policy.

For three weeks, Target will not accept in-store returns on any items. But that doesn’t mean you can’t get your money back.

Why the Pause on Returns?

According to Target CEO Brian Cornell, the chain is making some changes to keep shoppers and employees safe. That means more vigorous cleaning around the stores, ensuring social distancing between customers at the registers, and temporarily halting in-store returns. All this to avoid further spreading of COVID-19.

“To be extra cautious, Target will stop accepting in-store product returns and exchanges for the next three weeks — but don’t worry if you have a return that expires during that period, because we’ll still honor them three weeks past the holding period,” Cornell said in a press release. You can find the entire release here.

What Else Is Changing at Target?

On top of a rigorous cleaning schedule, Target will no longer permit customers to bring in reusable grocery bags. Target is offering paper bags, though, so you can skip the plastic ones. They’re also setting aside the first hour of every Tuesday and Wednesday for seniors to shop, allowing their most vulnerable customers to get what they need.

Target is cleaning registers after every customer use, so you won’t have to bring your own wipes. All in-store CVS pharmacy locations are staying open as well. Target is doing their all to keep us safe, and we’ve got nothing but praise for their hard work!

See how home improvement stores are safely fulfilling orders during the coronavirus outbreak.

Taste of Home
Originally Published on Taste of Home