Determining how often you should change your brake pads is not rocket science. Your ears will provide the answer if you listen.
How Often Should You Change Your Brake Pads?
Some things in life can be safely put off with indefinite procrastination. But brakes aren’t one of them. Sometimes it can be pretty obvious when it’s time to change your brake pads, like when they start to squeak. Other times, it’s less clear if they’re actually the culprit in you braking woes. Here’s how to check brake pads without removing the wheel.
“Where the confusion comes in is that many people may ignore the issue for fear they need to replace their entire braking system, when in reality, many of the more common issues are indicative that they just need a brake pad replacement,” says Duane “Doc” Watson, technical trainer at Bosch Mobility Aftermarket. “And, if ignored, worn-out brake pads will result in greater damage to the whole system and cost more down the line.”
So, how often should you change your brake pads? The answer depends on the unique combination of your vehicle and typical terrain, as well as the habits of those who often drive it. Read on to find out more.
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When Should I Change My Brake Pads?
Any mechanic will tell you that it’s time to change your brake pads when the lining is in the 3 mm to 4 mm range. For context, the standard thickness of new brake linings is 12 mm. The first half of your brake pad’s lifespan is usually carefree. As it wears past 6 mm, though, listen for the sign that it’s time. Brake pads incorporate a metal burr that contacts the rotor at 3 mm, causing a squeal that signals you to service the brakes.
Don’t ignore this squeal. Ignoring this warning results in damage to the rotors, at first scoring, then overheating, and potentially even warping them as the pads wear to nothing. If you hear a nasty grinding noise, that probably means the pad has already worn away.
“It is now metal to metal as the brake rotor is being eaten up by the steel backing plate on your pads,” says Chris “Moose” Pyle, an auto expert with “Now you need new pads, new rotors and possibly new calipers.”
But even before they start to make noise, you might notice telltale signs that your brakes are getting worn down. Worn brake pads are less effective, and as things get down to the wire you might notice it taking longer for your car to slow down, says Watson. “Braking may also feel different,” he says. “If the pedal is sinking down too far or vibrating when you push it, it’s likely time to take a deeper look at the state of your brake pads.”
If your car car shakes when braking or you have smoking brakes, you likely have a different issue on your hands.
How to Monitor Brake Pads
Overall, it’s a good idea to check the brake pad lining thickness every time you change the oil. Most shops that do brakes will automatically check them for you when you change your oil, as they look to sell additional services. You can also check them yourself. Once down in the 3 mm to 4 mm range, that squeal isn’t far away. Go ahead and schedule some time to get them replaced, or replace them yourself.
One real-life example: The ceramic brake pad linings on my SUV were measured after 11 months of use (at approximately 23,000 miles/year) and showed 7 mm remaining. Although this is still considered within the “good” range (first 6 mm of wear), I’ll keep a closer eye on these pads going forward as they progress through the last half of their useful lifespan.
How Long Does It Take To Wear Out Brake Pads?
That hinges on your driving habits, vehicle weight, quality of the pads, terrain and whether you’re towing something. But, often their lifespan is between 30,000 and 70,000 miles, says Watson.
“It all depends on how much you’re driving and how much stress the brakes are under as you go,” he says. “For instance, someone who commutes in heavy stop-and-go traffic on a regular basis may notice their brake pads wearing faster than someone who enjoys an open road on the way to work.”
Speeding and last-second braking also affect how fast your brake pads wear out. Furthermore, driving in mountainous country, where constant downhill braking is necessary, also adds wear to your poor, old brake pads.
Softer brake-lining materials, such as organics, tend to wear down faster, requiring replacement more often. Metallics tend to wear on the rotors more heavily. Ceramics combine the best aspects of the two, but cost more. Consider that good information that doesn’t help you once your pads are worn, but can help inform about brake replacement costs and choosing the right type.
Related: Glazed Brake Pads Are Unsafe
Damaged through overheating, glazed brake pads provide little friction for stopping the brake rotors and have become dangerous. This can happen if you fast-brake in an emergency or ride the brakes for an extended period of time. They’ll have a smooth-feeling surface that can be shiny or crystallized in appearance. You may also notice that the vehicle’s stopping distance has increased—often significantly. No matter their thickness, if your brake pads are glazed, get them changed ASAP.
About the Experts
- Duane “Doc” Watson is a technical trainer at Bosch Mobility Aftermarket. He has more than 45 years of experience in automotive repair, has trained thousands of technicians and earned many industry awards, including Chevrolet Technician of the Year and Buick Service Master of the Year.
- Chris “Moose” Pyle is a master-certified technician with 20-plus years of automotive experience. He has also worked as an expert for since 2006, where he answers hundreds of car maintenance and repair questions a day.