bin Mike Flippo/Shutterstock

When you accumulate stuff, you accumulate storage bins to store that stuff. Whether it’s the box of holiday lights, seasonal clothes, or nostalgic report cards that you just can’t part with, those bins start to take up a lot of space leaving you feeling cramped and disorganized. Ease your stress with storage bin shelves that you can easily and inexpensively make yourself.

While you build one storage solution, start planning another from this list of our 30 best-ever storage tips.

Idea #1 – The Storage Tower

You can build these simple plywood storage bin shelves in less than a day and you can customize the paint color to your liking, maybe in one of this year’s trending colors. These storage bin shelves would be a great addition to a mudroom, garage, or basement storage area.

Keep your mudroom organized with the storage tower and these 15 other helpful tips.

Read these 14 handy hints before painting.

Idea #2 – The Garage Storage Wall

Everyone with a garage knows how things pile up over the years. These simple storage bin shelves will help you declutter and increase usable square footage. Remember: Measure your storage bins before building the shelves. You don’t want to be stuck with great-looking shelves on which you can’t fit your bins!

If your garage needs a makeover, try one of these 11 inexpensive solutions.

Idea #3 – The Overhead Garage Storage Shelf

Make the most of the storage space in your garage by building storage bin shelves on the upper walls. This gets the bins out of the way so the lower walls can be used for other creative storage solutions. Just be sure that your shelves are installed properly and that they can hold the weight of your filled storage bins. You’ll have to hoist the bins onto these shelves, so limit their weight to what the shelf can hold and what you can lift.

One of these 11 creative garage space savers might be just what you’re looking for.

Idea #4 – The Sliding Shelves Topper

Even if you don’t decide to build these storage bin shelves you’ve got to take a look. This project is for the ambitious DIYer who wants a super-cool, custom garage storage system. Build the rollout shelves for storing all of your garage essentials and park your storage bins on the top shelf.

Save space and keep your house clean with these 75 tips ingenious tips.

For all hard-to-store stuff, consider these 24 clever solutions.

Idea #5 – Store it in the Ceiling

For all your rarely used items, consider this sliding storage system in lieu of storage bin shelving. It’s simple, fast and you only need basic tools and materials.

Wondering what to do with things you can’t donate? Wonder no longer.

Think twice about donating these 15 items.

Interior ceilings look worse for wear? Transform them with these genius hacks.