
Skylights are great, but only if they can withstand the elements. For a leakproof skylight use a special flashing kit and installation techniques we detail ahead.

If you have to replace shingles around a skylight, examine the old flashing. Most residential skylights sit on a raised curb made watertight with metal flashing. If it’s carefully removed when the old roof is torn off, it should be reusable. If not, you’ll have to buy new flashing ($50 to $100) either from the skylight manufacturer or from a roofing company that has a metal fabrication shop (look under “Roofing” in the Yellow Pages or online).

Tools Required

  • Hammer
  • Utility knife

Materials Required

  • 1-in. nails
  • Flashing kit (or old flashing)
  • Self-sticking underlayment

Project step-by-step (5)

Step 1

Remove the Skylight’s Counterflashing

First, remove the skylight’s counterflashing. On some units, you have to remove the whole glass frame. On other models, you simply unscrew a metal channel from the curb. Next, pry off the old shingles, carefully pulling nails to save the flashing.

To reassemble, follow the steps outlined below, and you’ll have a leakproof installation. Note that the metal flashing pieces don’t need to be sealed to each other. Since water runs downhill, they only need to be installed in the right order. So put away that roofing cement.

If you’re hiring a roofing crew, ask them to carefully remove the old flashing and reuse it if it’s in good shape.

Step 2

Apply Self-sticking Underlayment

Install 6-in. wide strips of a self-sticking waterproof underlayment. This underlayment will direct any water that may get through the metal flashing onto the roofing felt. Install from the bottom up, lapping each piece on top of the lower one.

Applying Self-sticking UnderlaymentFamily Handyman

Step 3

Set the Lower Flashing

Set the bottom one-piece flashing on top of the shingle course. Nail it only at the upper corners; don’t nail it into the roof.

Setting the Lower FlashingFamily Handyman

Step 4

Add Step Flashing

Weave the step flashing up the side of the skylight as you install each shingle course. Nail at the upper corner.

Adding Step FlashingFamily Handyman

Step 5

Set the Top Flashing

The top (head) flashing is one piece that wraps around the sides. This fabricated piece has soldered and sealed seams and corners. Fit and install the next row of shingles, leaving about 1/2 in. of flashing exposed.

Setting the Top FlashingFamily Handyman