
Extend the life of your water heater tank and maintain your water heater's efficiency and safety with a few minutes of basic maintenance once a year.

The convenience of hot water in your home is easy to take for granted, but it’s all thanks to one hard-working appliance—the water heater. Water heaters often work perfectly for a decade or more without any care, so when they eventually malfunction, they can be a huge headache. Spending a few minutes on water heater maintenance, even just once a year, pays off big time. These simple maintenance tasks will extend the tank’s life span and preserve your water heater’s efficiency and safety. Here are some water heater repair tips, and advice from plumbing expert Josh Mitchell, so you don’t have to give up those long, hot showers.

Tools Required

  • Bucket
  • Plumbers tape
  • Rags
  • Slip joint pliers

Materials Required

  • Pressure relief valve (if old one leaks)

Project step-by-step (3)

Step 1

Check the Pressure-Relief Valve

valvefamily handyman

Test the Valve

Test the pressure-relief valve located on the top or side of the water heater. This valve opens automatically if the pressure inside the tank gets too high. (Excess pressure can actually cause the tank to explode.) To test it, place a bucket below the discharge pipe on your water heater tank and gently lift the lever on the pressure relief valve.

Replace the Valve (if Necessary)

If the valve doesn’t release water when you lift the lever, replace the valve. Replacement is simple: Turn off the water, drain the tank, unscrew the discharge pipe and then unscrew the old valve. Wrap the threads of the new valve with sealant tape and screw it in. If your valve is several years old and has never been tested, it might leak after you test it. In that case, replace the valve.

Check Your Work

Close the shutoff valve on the cold water supply pipe that feeds the water heater. Then turn on the hot water at any faucet to release the pressure inside the heater’s tank. Leave the faucet on until you finish your work. If you have an electric heater, turn off the power at the main panel. With a gas heater, turn the gas control dial to “off.”

Step 2

Drain Sediments From the Water Heater Tank

Drainfamily handyman

Drain the tank to flush out sediments that have settled to the bottom of the tank. Sediment buildup shortens the life of your water heater and adds to your energy bill by reducing its efficiency. “Drain sediment once a year to maintain efficiency and extend the lifespan of your water heater,” says Mitchell, “However, consider doing this every six months in areas with hard water because sediment builds up faster.”

Draining two or three gallons of water is usually enough to flush out sediments, but always let the water flow until you no longer see particles in the bucket. Open the drain valve slowly and let the water run until it’s clear and free of sediments.

The water is hot!

Step 3

Address Concerning Noises

hear 9nong/shutterstock

You might hear sounds coming from your water heater from time to time. Some sounds are harmless, and some are cause for concern. Don’t worry about any gurgling or groaning noises coming from the heater as you drain it. That sound is just air entering the system as water drains out.

According to Mitchell, these sounds might be signs of a bigger issue:

  • Popping or cracking: This usually means sediment has accumulated at the bottom of the tank, trapping water that boils and causes noise.
  • Sizzling: Indicates a potential leak or moisture around the heating element.
  • Banging or rumbling: This could signal excess sediment buildup or pressure issues.

“If you hear these noises regularly, it’s time to flush the tank or call a professional to inspect it,” says Mitchell.

Here’s a video on testing your water heater element:

About the Expert

Josh Mitchell is a plumbing technician and owner of Plumbing Lab, a review and information website that is designed to help people find better ways of improving their bathrooms, kitchens and everything in between.

Next, learn how to adjust your water heater’s temperature.